Saturday, May 31, 2008

The One Man Band

The media industry is shrinking fast into a corps of journalists who can do everything—writing, photography, video and more.

As budding journalists, we hear more and more about the importance of being able to produce and edit our own online content. But how do people our age learn all these skills by ourselves? In the early 1990s, graduate schools started offering new media components to their curriculum. Today new media has morphed into digital media. The curriculum has a hard time keeping up with the ever-changing platform of electronic media. So how do journalists do it?

Journalists must educate themselves quickly about new topics every day. Current journalists do not have the luxury to go back to school every time a new piece of equipment comes out. They must learn in the field.

How do you make the case for J-school when you are required as a journalist to learn quickly on the job every day?

— Anna, Five Wire Editor
Washington, DC

Who is The Five Wire?

The Five Wire is a blog for journalists, writers, students, interns, anti-writers, anti-journalists, anti-media, editors and professionals from all over the globe.

Five Wire was the brain child of a group of student journalists who met at the Bloomberg College Editors' Workshop at Columbia University, where we studied major media conglomerates, online, niche media companies and met with newspaper men and women who offered a variety of diverse viewpoints. We have some of our own crazy ideas, too.

We welcome you to share your opinions on all things media, too.

The Five Wire
The Media Blog for Everyone.